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Image de Nirmal Rajendharkumar

Consulting agency, your partner in digital performance

As an expert agency and committed partner, MyConsulting group is with you every step of the way.

From digital strategy to performance in an omnichannel approach, we combine our talents and services to guarantee you an optimized, effective digital system and sustainable growth.

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A digital consulting agency with a complete and varied range of services.

MyConsulting advices and delivers digital solutions to businesses. We conceive, design and implement web sites, ecommerce sites, digital applications for all types and sizes of organizations in France, Belgium and more. We put together the best team to make sure we match and exceed your goals.

Our offering

Digital performance consulting

Digital strategy, solution/service selection support, Business & IT roadmaps, requirements, IT architecture... we help organizations design the best digital solution for their business challenges.

Design of digital solutions

We design the solution in detail, prioritizing customer experience (UX), design quality (UI), the right functionality, digital performance (SEO, external and internal journeys, editorial, etc.) and the most appropriate technologies.

Project management and delivery

We design and implement the technological or functional solution best suited to the customer's needs. We use modern solutions with pragmatism and respect for functional and technical standards : CMS, DAM, PIM, APIs,...

Technology advisor

We select solutions that provide numerous direct and indirect benefits and advantages for our customers. We offer this catalog of solutions to our customers and ensure implementation and support.

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Our clients

It's about trust

Client : Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale : Conseil et aide au choix de solutions et prestataires
Client : Electrodepot : Conseil pour la mise en oeuvre d'un PIM et d'un outil de grand import
Client : Auchan eCommerce : Conseil pour la mise en oeuvre d'une solution PIM
Client : SNSM : Conseil en stratégie digitale
Client : La Chaine de l'Espoir : Conception et mise en oeuvre d'un site web et collecte de dons
Client : Ordre de Malte : Conseil en stratégie digitale et aide au choix de solutions et partenaire agence
Client : Grand vision - Conseil en mise en oeuvre d'une solution eCommerce SAP hybris
Client : - Conseil en conception et mise en oeuvre d'un PIM
Client : Alcyon - Conseil et conception d'une solution PIM
Client : Decathlon Pro - Conseil et aide au choix d'une solution et d'un partenaire agence
Client : Embisphere (Decathlon) - Mise en oeuvre de solutions digitales et eCommerce
Client : Elegia Formation - Mise en oeuvre de solutions digitales
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Our brands

We can support organizations at different stages of their digital transformation,
with our complementary service and solution offerings.

Agence web et ecommerce, conseil et développements

Design (UX, UI and digital performance) and production of websites and eCommerce sites.

Digital agency

Agence en conseil digital, transformation digitale

Consultancy and guidance for digital transformation and solution selection.

Consultancy agency

Agence de placement d'experts digitaux

Reinforce project teams with digital talents as needed.

Expertise on demand

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