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Reconciliate product catalogs is a well known retail brand in France and Europe, for books, multimedia, home equipment and ticketing.


They had a consistent catalog of 2 millions references and as they opened one of the first market place in France, that number was increased by 20 millions references.


Yet, they wanted the overall catalog to provide the same level of information to clients, not only about the description of the product but also about the added value FNAC has historically provided to clients.


Hence, they decided to quick off a Product Information Management's project that was led by MyConsulting group (in partnership with a major consultancy firm).

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What we did?

Consultancy mission in collaboration with multiple services inside


We collected requirements from different services: stores, digital teams, IT directors, Market place team,... and put everything together in a requirement document.


We defined a new product information architecture, process and organization to contribute to the overall 360 strategy.


We searched for the best solution to fit with these requirements, managed the product presentation and built a business case that was proposed to the board.


hybris PCM, Oracle, Heiler, Stibo,... were the technologies that we interacted with and included into the business case for change.


This mission lasted 8 months.

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